
OImpLib is a WIN32 import librarian, suitable for various operations regarding the import sections of DLLs. It can take input from one of several sources, and place output in one of several destinations. In its most basic format one could use it to take a .DEF file or .DLL file and construct an import library for use with the toolchain, but it can also be used to create a .DEF file or extract things from a library.

Command Line Options

The general format of an OImpLib command line is:

OImpLib [options] source dest

where source and dest specify files to use, and further, by parsing the extensions of source and dest OImpLib is able to act in one of several modes

Response Files

Response files can be used as an alternate to specifying input on the command line. For example:

OImpLib test.l @myresp.lst

will take command line options from myresp.lst. In general it isn't necessary to use response files with OImpLib as the amount of input required is minimal.

Case Insensitivity

OImpLib will allow the creation of case insensitive libraries with the /c- switch, however, in general it isn't a good idea to make a case-insensitive import library, as WIN32 export records found in DLLs are case-sensitive.

Operation modes

OImpLib will perform different operations depending on what the file extensions of the input files are. The output file is specified first, followed by one or more input files. The output file may be one of the following:

When the output file is an object file, a single input file can be either a .DEF or .DLL file. The exports from the input file will be placed in the output file.

When the output file is a .DEF file, the input file can be either a .DLL file or an object file. The exports in the .DLL file will be written to the .DEF file, or the import records in the object file will be converted to export records and written to the .DEF file. For example:

OImpLib test.l kernel32.dll

will make an import library holding the export definitions from kernel32.dll and

OImpLib test.ld mydll.def

will make an import library containing the export definitions from mydll.def.

On the other hand:

OImpLib user32.def user32.dll

will create a definition file from the export records in user32.dll.

C language compatibility

Microsoft compilers make DLL exports slightly incompatible with C language naming conventions. If a DLL is known to export C language functions, the /C switch can be used to restore compatibility with the Orange C compiler. However, if the DLL is a mix of C language and STDCALL functions, this simple switch cannot tell the difference. In such cases it is better to use the Coff2IEEE program on the COFF import library.

Alternative display options

The /V switch shows version information, and the compile date

The /! or --nologo switch is 'nologo'