Coff2IEEE is a program that takes COFF-formatted import libraries of the type generated by Microsoft tools, and converts them to Orange C format. While it is somewhat capable of converting other types of libraries, the primary focus is for import libraries.

At this time Coff2IEEE only understands C and STDCALL naming conventions (C++ names will be invisible to the tools)

Coff2IEEE Command line options

The general form of a Coff2IEEE command line is:

Coff2IEEE [options] inputfile

here the inputfile is the name of COFF-formatted import library

Setting output file

By default Coff2IEEE will take the name of the input file, and replace the extension with '.l'. However the /o switch can be used to set an output file name.

Coff2IEEE -omyfile.l cofffile.lib

Alternative display options

The /V switch shows version information, and the compile date

The /! or --nologo switch is 'nologo'